Womxn in Ranching: Empowering Inclusive Leadership in the West

May 23, 2019 1:36:27 PM / by Christine Su

We couldn't be prouder to support Womxn in Ranching.

We're proud to follow our teammate Erin Kiley's leadership in creating critical spaces of inclusion and belonging. Erin started one of the initial conversations that became Womxn* in Ranching (WinR), in a hallway conversation at Quivira Conference. Erin Kiley asked for more spaces for womxn like herself in the ranching community. Just a year later, Womxn in Ranching is 80 members strong, with a 300+ person waitlist. As a leader in WinR, Erin has helped create 5 Circles in California, Montana, and New Mexico. In her day job, Erin is the Grazing Management and Rancher Success Lead at PastureMap. 

When womxn rise, we all rise. 

"Womxn in Ranching is not just about womxn, and not just about ranchers. It's about answering the calling of “how do we belong to the land?” and “how do we belong to each other?” The answers reverberate far beyond the circles of womxn, and ranchers, from where these questions originate."  - Our CEO, Christine Su, belongs to Circle Two at TomKat Ranch in CA.  

The WinR fundraiser has one week left, and has reached 70% of their funding goal. Donate now for a 3x funding match. Achieving $10k will unlock $30k total from matching partners to build WinR Circles in every Western State.

Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/women-in-ranching-empowering-womens-leadership



We are humbled by the powerful members of this circle (Circle 2) who are the face of ranching leadership in the West. 

Grateful to Western Landowners Alliance, Paicines Ranch, and TomKat Ranch for housing this work. Donate now to help create Circles in every Western State!

📷 @tomkat_ranch


 *The term "womxn" is an intentional term of inclusivity, identifying WinR as a welcoming space for those who identify as women, as well as fluid or non-binary folx.

Topics: new farmers and ranchers, regeneration rising, regenerative agriculture, community

Christine Su

Written by Christine Su

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